Current Schema
Version 7.03 - August 2023
Version 7.03 of the gbXML schema is now available. Click the following image (or this link) to view the entire schema documentation in your browser. Or, click the links below the image to download the xsd file or the complete gbXML documentation:

Click here to go to the Google doc for the list of changes and updates.
Click here to view the gbXML Version 7.03 Documentation (zip)
Click here to download the gbXML Version 7.03 schema (xsd) file
List of Version 7.03 gbXML updates:
1. Added existing CADObjectId child element to existing HydronicLoop element
2. Added existing HydronicLoopId child element to existing HydronicLoop element
3. Added new AnalysisParameter child element to existing HydronicLoop element
4. Added new chillerType attribute (optional) to existing HydronicLoop element
5. Added new AnalysisParameter element
6. Added new chillerTypeEnum enumeration
7. Added new item to existing enumeration coolingCoilTypeEnum: DirectExpansion
8. Added new enumeration: heatingCoilTypeEnum
9. Added new enumeration: heatExchangerTypeEnum
10. Added new enumeration: fanTypeEnum
11. Added new enumeration: coilTypeEnum
12. Added new coilType attribute to existing HydronicLoopId element
13. Added new AirSystem element and all its child elements and attributes
14. Added new zoneHVACEquipmentTypeEnum
15. Added new AirSystemId
16. Added new DesignHeatRH element
17. Added new DesignCoolRH element
18. Added new ZoneHVACEquipmentId element
19. Added new child elements to existing Zone element: DesignHeatRH, DesignCoolRH, ZoneHVACEquipmentId
20. Added new item to existing enumeration fluidTypeEnum: Refrigerant
21. Added new item to existing enumeration loopTypeEnum: VRFLoop
22. Added new ZoneHVACEquipment element along with all child elements
23. Added existing AnalysisParameter reference to Space element
24. Added AirSystem reference to gbXML element
25. Added existing AnalysisParameter reference to Building element
26. Added bool attribute constructionIsSchematic to Construction element
27. Added bool attribute windowTypeIsSchematic to WindowType element
28. Added HeatExchanger element that is referenced by AirSystem
29. Added Fan element that is referenced by AirSystem
30. Added new version number to versionEnum enumeration
31. Added new ParameterValue element that is used by AnalysisParameter